Pilates and Pregnancy—Article 3 Second Trimester

In our last newsletter, we touched on Pilates and Pregnancy and what to expect in the first trimester. Being aware of your body and how you are feeling day by day. Understanding it is important to communicate with your instructor about your pregnancy but knowing it is safe to do Pilates with the ok from your healthcare provider.

Going into your second trimester, you’ve likely overcome the fatigue and morning sickness and energy levels are back up! However now your physical body is shifting, your center of balance is off with belly starting to show and your body weight has increased. You’ll need to start modifying your practice.

Limiting time spent on your back (due to pressure on blood vessels and arteries) and start using props such as a wedge, then omitting as the trimester progress replacing with sideline, seated or standing work. Avoid prone exercises for obvious reasons (baby is now in the way making it uncomfortable). Use caution when preforming flexion and be sure you know how to properly engage your abdominals to limit risk of diastasis recti. Start to avoid inversions where the hips go above the heart such as bridging, short and long spine. There are plenty of exercises where we can work the same muscles, so if it feels uncomfortable, speak up and let your instructor know.

Twisting and Rotation are amazing! They are functional movements that will keep your spine limber. Be mindful of the resistance and think of the length of your spine up tall to create space before rotation. Hone in on your transverse abdominis (this is already a must with or without pregnancy). Your TA support you and your back which is working hard with the extra weight and forward growth. Bring awareness to your pelvic floor but don’t overemphasize the engagement. Start to tune into your breath and how it connects to the pelvic floor and become aware of how you are able to contract and release as this will become extremely important during labor.

Remember, just as your Pilates practice is a journey, so is your pregnancy! Take your time, honor yourself and your body, and be excited for making the conscious decision to keep movement as a priority during this stage of your life!


Pilates and Pregnancy – Article 4 Third Trimester


Pilates and Pregnancy–Article 2 First Trimester