Pilates and Pregnancy
Recently we have been receiving a lot of inquiries regarding the safety of the Pilates practice while pregnant. First and foremost, it is important to check with your healthcare provider as every person and pregnancy is different; however, in most cases the answer is yes.
During the course of your pregnancy your body is constantly changing. It is working in overdrive creating an entirely new human as well as adapting, shifting and making space to support the growth of your baby and preparing for their birth. It makes sense that some days you are barely able to get out of bed and other days you have bursts of energy where you feel like you could conquer the world!
However, just as you and your pregnancy are changing on a daily basis, you should expect your Pilates practice to change as well. There will be some exercises you just simply cannot do during particular stages of your pregnancy but there are so many more that you can do! You’ll want to be mindful of your movement, mentally engaged, and in tune with your body to best support and honor yourself and your body when you come in for your session as each day will be different.
Your Pilates studio and educated instructors are here to help guide and support you along this amazing journey. If you are new to Pilates it would be best to set up a one on one private session to assess where you are on not only your fitness journey but what stage you are at in your pregnancy and what to expect over the coming months. If you are more familiar with the practice it never hurts to take a little extra time one on one to go deeper in your practice and learn how to move your body now that you are two!
Over the course of the next few months we’ll be diving in deeper to what you can expect in your first, second and third trimester as well as the most important, forth trimester or better known as postpartum recovery.